Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Islam & Android: A Fusion of Technology & Theology

Religion plays a pivotal role in the way how people think, behave and lead their day to day lives. Islam is no doubt the fastest growing religion in the United States and the 2nd largest religion in the world. With the advent of smartphones, a modern Muslim can always be  at ease to perform their prayers, and other religious practices. There are a number of Android apps on the market that are a great mentor for Muslims, a few of which i would like to mention here:

Islamic Prayer Times.  An Android app with azan and prayer time alarms.

Quran Android.  This app provides the text of the Quran in Arabic along with translations in a number of languages.

Muslims Pro.  For Android phones, this app has an Islamic calendar, qibla direction and Julian dates of Islamic holidays, in addition to the Quran in Arabic and Roman English text along with an English translation.  

1 comment:

  1. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
    Selamın Aleykûm.
    I am a Muslim and I am from TÜRKİYE.
    I am using Android and following your blog.
    Thank you for your works.
    Can you send me Quiz Application Source Files please :)
